Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

pregnant cat laying on a pink blanket

Understanding cat pregnancy and the question of abortion

12th January, 2024

Cat ownership comes with a series of responsibilities and difficult decisions. One such situation is an unplanned cat pregnancy in a cat. As a cat owner, you might be left wondering, how far along can a cat get an abortion? This article aims to provide comprehensive information on this topic, and help you make an informed decision....

brown dog staring at a cooked chicken

What are the symptoms of chicken allergy in dogs?

9th January, 2024

As a loving pet owner, you always want the best for your furry friend. You may have noticed some changes in your dog's behaviour or appearance after eating chicken and started to wonder what a poultry allergy looks like in dogs....

german shepherd laying on the grass

Do German Shepherds shed?

8th January, 2024

Do German Shepherds shed? Many potential pet owners ponder before bringing one of these majestic creatures into their homes. German Shepherds are moderate to heavy shedders. Despite their sleek and shiny looks, these canine beauties possess a double coat which goes through a significant shedding phase twice a year, typically during spring and fall....

Owner feeding dog on white floor

Dog nutrition

8th January, 2024

Protein is a key component of a balanced diet. It's vital for growth, maintenance, and repair. Commercial products typically use meats, poultry, fish, and sometimes plant-based sources to provide protein. Fats are another essential part of your dog's diet. They provide energy, aid in vitamin absorption, and contribute to skin and coat health. Commercial dog food often includes animal fats or vegetable oils. Carbohydrates can provide easily digestible energy and dietary fibre. Grains, vegetables, and legumes are common carbohydrate sources in well balanced commercial products... ...

Dog on bed with paw hiding face

7 of the most shy dog breeds

4th January, 2024

The Greyhound, Beagle, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu, Basenji, and Whippet are all examples of dog breeds known for their shy and timid nature. If you're looking for more of a 'beginner' breed or if you'd like a typically less 'boystrous' breed, take a look through some of the shy dog breeds we highlighted in this article to decide which one may be right for you....

Puppy sitting on a wooden floor shaking owner's hand

Dog training basics

4th January, 2024

Understanding dog behaviour through body language helps in interpreting their emotions and reactions. Establishing clear rules and expectations helps in establishing leadership and boundaries with your dog. Consistent reinforcement techniques, including positive reinforcement, help in training and shaping your dog's behaviour. Making sure that your dog has more positive than negative interactions with you may help to get that relationship between the two of you off to a positive future! ...

javanese cat asleep on fence

Understanding cat allergies: The best and worst cat breeds for allergy sufferers

3rd January, 2024

Being a cat lover who is also prone to allergies can be a tricky situation. Cats are known for their endearing companionship and cute antics, but for those with allergies, these adorable creatures can unfortunately trigger unpleasant symptoms. So, if you're wondering which cat breeds are the worst for allergies, this comprehensive guide is here to answer your queries....

brown and white dog peering at the sky

The colourful world of dogs: Understanding canine vision

2nd January, 2024

Despite the common assumption that our canine companions navigate their world in black and white, recent research has revealed that dogs do, indeed, perceive colour, albeit differently than humans. So, in response to the question, "what colours can dogs see?", the answer is a bit more complex than one might initially assume. ...

Cat swimming in water

Why do cats hate water? A guide to feline hydrophobia

20th December, 2023

No one can deny the mystique surrounding cats and their peculiar behaviours. One of the most intriguing aspects of feline behaviour is their aversion to water. The answer lies in their evolution. Cats, unlike their canine counterparts, evolved in dry environments, due to which they never developed a fondness for water. Their thick fur takes a long time to dry and can weigh them down, making them uncomfortable. ...