Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

A woman reading a book on her sofa with a cat on her lap

Top tips for living with a blind cat

7th July, 2020

So you’re thinking of adopting a blind cat? Or has your own beloved pet recently lost its sight? Cats are adaptable creatures with acute senses hearing, smell and taste. Blindness is no barrier for your feline – if you’re prepared to make a few adaptations to your own lifestyle....

2 dogs looking up into the sky

Can dogs transmit coronavirus to people?

7th July, 2020

With lockdown restrictions easing and more opportunities for people to interact with you and your dog, Dogs Trust has issued some advice on how to help limit the risk of coronavirus being spread to or from your pet....

a long haired ginger cat

Vet Advice - Sunburn in Cats

7th July, 2020

Sunburn, also known as solar dermatitis, happens when an animal has prolonged exposure to the sun. Any animal can be susceptible to this, but white and light-coloured coats are more prone to developing sunburn....

A small dog running round a training course

18 dog breeds: Which are the most trainable?

6th July, 2020

Some dog breeds are easier to train than others. Which breeds will give you an easy ride, and which are for those who enjoy a challenge? Whatever breed you choose, make sure you take out quality pet insurance....

A dog sitting nicely at a puppy training session

What happens at puppy training classes?

2nd July, 2020

Far too many dogs are abandoned each year because they haven’t been taught how to behave as puppies. Make sure your dog has the best start in life by taking him or her to puppy training classes and protect your pooch with dog insurance....

A dogs face up close with its nose in focus

Why does my dog smell so bad?

2nd July, 2020

So what should you do when your furry friend’s fragrance is less than sweet? Have a quick nose of our guide to pongy pups to find out more....

a cat being tickled

Cats help people cope with loneliness during lockdown

30th June, 2020

Having pets is good for your mental heath, and during the Covid-19 lockdown it’s been more important than ever to have a comforting presence at home....

a golden retriever laying on the grass

Keeping your pets safe in the garden

23rd June, 2020

With the start of summer — and garden centres open again after the coronavirus restrictions were eased — more of us will be spending time outdoors. But do you know how to help ensure your outdoor space is safe for your pets?...

dog laying down with a hot water bottle

What is gastric upset?

22nd June, 2020

Tummy troubles in pets are one of the most common reasons owners contact a vet. The clinical signs of a gastric upset are vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, inappetence and lethargy. These symptoms can be present for a variety of reasons...