Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

Pet in arms

Pet ownership linked to slower cognitive decline

9th March, 2022

Sharing your home with a pet is good for your mental and physical wellbeing — and new research suggests there may even be benefits for brain health....

Dog with a raised knee

Core strength could help agility dogs avoid knee injury

8th March, 2022

If your dog enjoys doing agility training, or you’re thinking about getting started, it’s worth finding out how you can help your four-legged friend avoid injury....

Hungry Dog

Is there a 'top dog' in your home?

7th March, 2022

Dogs are social animals, and in a group of dogs they are happiest when there is a clear structure within the “pack”. But how is their position in the pack determined?...

white dog being walked

Ultimate guide to dog walking

4th March, 2022

Following a few simple guidelines – from what to do around livestock to what sort of lead might work best – can ensure that walk time is always a fun time of day, for both you and your pup. So here is our ultimate guide to successful dog walking....

Pet Spring Clean

Give your pet a spring clean!

2nd March, 2022

Now that spring is upon us, it’s time to think about the ways that we can prepare our pampered pets for the season. At home, we find ourselves doing a spring clean and organising things that may have been left over the winter, but getting your pet ready for spring is just as important as sprucing up your home....

Pet Love Story – Introducing Marlena and Frank

2nd March, 2022

We asked you, our wonderful customers to share your pet love stories and you did, so thank you! This month we feature Marlena and Frankie’s story…...

Cat Flap

5 perfect pet gadgets you can’t live without

2nd March, 2022

Our pets are part of the family – we love them, feed them, play with them, and enjoy different experiences with them every day. Which is why we like to indulge them with little gifts from time to time!...

scottish fold

A-Z of cat health problems

24th February, 2022

Our A to Z of cat health problems features some of the most common ailments you might come up against. Having cat insurance in place will help you cover the cost of treatment....

dog on a leash

Best dogs for anxiety and emotional support

24th February, 2022

Did you know that when we stroke or cuddle up with a dog, that physical closeness improves our mood, lowers our blood pressure, and keeps our stress and anxiety in check?...