Sunglasses could be beneficial for older dogs

Dog in glasses

Now that the weather is starting to get sunnier (some of the time!), some vets have been advising that it might be beneficial for certain dogs to wear sunglasses, either to protect their eyes from the sun or to minimize irritation whilst outside.

Older pets can develop ‘iris atrophy’, which affects their ability to filter brightness. Wearing comfortable, well-fitting goggles with sun protection that cut out UV light and reduce brightness can allow them to spend longer outside and live a more active and normal life on those sunnier days.

Dogs suffering from conjunctivitis, glaucoma, or other eye conditions may need to wear goggles every time they go outside in order to protect their eyes from dust or other particles – especially if they enjoy sticking their head out of the car window en route to their favourite walk!

Some dog breeds are particularly susceptible to having issues with their eyes such as Boston Terriers, Shih Tzus, Pugs and other brachycephalic breeds. These breeds tend to have more prominent eyeballs, making them more likely to incur trauma to their eyes, which could mean they would benefit from wearing eye-protection all year round when outside sniffing through bushes or chasing after toys.

Blind dogs who have persistent eye trauma, as well as active dogs who work in an environment where there is higher risk of trauma to the eyes—search and rescue dogs or police dogs for example—may also be good candidates for wearing eye protection.

If you do decide to invest in eyewear for your pooch, just make sure you buy sun goggles that are specifically design for pets, fit well and are comfortable for them to wear. You should also consult your vet before investing in eyewear if you think your dog needs them due to a medical condition.